Please complete this survey.  You can get a $10 gift certificate and a chance for a $200 gift certificate!

As you may be aware, CSTA, the Kapor Foundation, and the Alliance for Identity Inclusive Computing Education (AiiCE) are surveying K-12 computer science teachers in the United States. The CS education landscape continues to evolve, particularly as topics such as AI and policies like high school graduation requirements take hold in K-12 education. 

We want to hear vital insights directly from teachers about their experiences, challenges, and what resources would be most useful to you at this time. Having detailed and current information allows policymakers, curriculum & PD providers, state departments of education, and other organizations to better understand and meet the needs of teachers and their students. We will also use teachers' input to inform the current revision of the CSTA K-12 Standards.

Given your leadership, we are asking for your support in ensuring 100% completion by your chapter members. Note that this is a different survey from the annual chapter feedback survey. If you'd like to see trends and recommendations from previous surveys, view the report and interactive dashboard from the last administration of the survey in 2022 or the prior version from 2020

Linked below is a sample text that can be shared with your members. Please feel free to remind them again whenever appropriate.